LakiMajakka Oy

You can contact us by phone, e-mail or by filling in the contact form on this page. We will process the information with confidentiality and expediency. We will answer your message within a few days. Contact and response message are free of charge.

Varkaus office

Varkaus, Kuopio, Joensuu and Mikkeli area
Ahlströminkatu 10, 78250 Varkaus

Tel. 040 374 4158

Open during weekdays between 8–17. Other times according to agreement.

Tampere office

Pirkanmaa region
Sammonkatu 15 D 69, 33540 Tampere

Tel. 040 374 4158

Open according to agreement.

Växjö office

Anna Koskullsgata 3J 35222 Växjö

Open according to agreement.

Business ID:
